April Love 2024

Here again today. Thankful for those loving many that have assisted me being here again to enjoy myself in this here sunny splendor. Myself, as I continue to be in the city, do my business daily. Such as me in my own private area, making my music daily, for an appropriate sound.

Mr. Thundder News About The Artist and Music 2024

Play music. Live our own lives.
As there is a good social balance within entertainment and in society, such as personal lives.
As each have their own. Socialize. Privacy is a difference that should be kept.
As, in the city as an artist. As, an artist is a person, that makes the music. Makes the music in the area. As a person in the city.
In 2024, the times are different now in the world.
From radio to music videos there was a notable difference. As the video camera was made and now see the artists visually.
Mr. Thundder was on tour in 2018. The tour was called “Love Forever Tour”, The Thundder played original music together. Since then, hasn’t been touring. The next tour is known. Yet not specifically.
The act hasn’t performed since 2018. Mr. Thundder is continually on the radio as a recording artist. The act also finished the new feature film that was a festival winner.
The solo artist has also, developed new, dancing. And a true perspective of earth. Freedom, respect for humanity.

Mr. Thundder Copyright

True Knight of The Order 2024

Genuinely Part of The Knights of Order of Truth.
There are people as we need to know the truth.
That makes everything right. People need to know the need of being content with themselves for that reason. That isn’t only extreme personal bias that is dishonest, vague, only on a extreme personal bias, that is only pride, conceit, incorrect.
Is only after that because of violence is improper because of conceit to creation.
Life given for the earth of people.
Respect yourself.
Be open minded. Don’t pass judgment. As, common, sense, is that the body, is nothing only as a majestic creation. As, passing judgment on each other is incorrect.
We as a people should socialize in the meantime.
As people both have special unique qualities.
The many people are the problem in the world.
As that is against nature as they destroy what they cannot make on earth.
Go somewhere better.
Something universal, without improper bias.
The real need for the real truth for the right reasons.